Nature Breeze

The series of landscapes of rural and urban areas brings together works from different years. They depict nature and cities at different times of the year. The cold winter, fascinating shades of blue and white, and the hot summer, saturated with reds and greens.
  • March
    • acrylic on canvas
    • 140 х 105 cm
    • 2022

    In this painting, colors and lines intertwine to form a landscape of a spring city surrounded by nature.

  • The Sun Hid Behind The Mountain
    • acrylic on canvas
    • 120 х 150 cm
    • 2022

    The atmosphere of the autumn forest inspires and fascinates, enveloping the viewer with pleasant tranquility. Being far away from the bustle of the city, we can finally relax and feel at one with nature. It fills us with positive energy, and we think about every plant, breathe in the scents of the forest, and listen […]

  • Fragility
    • acrylic on canvas
    • 120 х 100 cm
    • 2021

    The clear spring sky beckons with a rich blue. A light breeze playfully stomps the thin twigs of the trees. The air is saturated with fragrant, slightly sweet scents of blossoms.

  • Anticipation
    • acrylic on canvas
    • 120 х 140 cm
    • 2022

    A violent storm. Water crashes over sharp rocky cliffs, trying to take over the entire space. There is a question of certainty and symbolism in the area.

  • Lonely Street
    • acrylic on canvas
    • 90 х 130 cm
    • 2014

    The painting depicts an evening in a mountainous area. Its landscape evokes memories of a time when you are walking back down the path to your parents’ old house after a fun, soulful day out with old friends.

  • Winter Evening
    • acrylic on canvas
    • 100 х 150 cm
    • 2016

    The snow covered the Christmas tree with its layer in the mountains. The sky is clear and blue. The snow shines, shimmers, and plays with all the rainbow colors in the sun. There is silence all around, interrupted every time with a resounding sound, and the streak of magpies disperses in the mountains. Frost. The […]

  • New Blossoms
    • acrylic on canvas
    • 150 х 150 cm
    • 2021

    A young apricot has blossomed, and its snow-white color envelopes the tree trunk like a delicate pink haze.

  • House In Snowdrifts
    • acrylic on canvas
    • 170 х 200
    • 2014

    This house on the outskirts of town is illuminated by the lampposts lining a long path. As you walk toward the house, you can see that it is snowing and that trees are bending down under the heavy drifts of snow.

  • Seasonal Rains
    • acrylic on canvas
    • 120 х 150
    • 2018

    The warm spring rain fills the valley with its gentle patter, bringing new life on its tails. The trees, unaccustomed at first to the season’s heat, cheer up.  They spread their new leaves, fully exposing them to the healing drops. Nature abounds.

  • Behind The Fence
    • acrylic on canvas
    • 80 х 120
    • 2019

    This winter pond is like an illustration to an episode from J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye, in which Golden, the main character, wondered if a local body of water froze in winter and if it did, where would the ducks go. This place is symbolic for it takes us back to a time […]

  • Swamp
    • acrylic on canvas
    • 120 х 150
    • 2017

    Late autumn, the first frost is in the air. This is the time when the days get shorter and the nights get long and cold. The yellowing leaves have not yet fully dropped, but the swamp is already covered with a thin crust of ice on which here and there you can see the footprints […]

  • A Blizzard
    • acrylic on canvas
    • 100 x 80
    • 2015

    A blizzard is sweeping through the city streets, creating huge drifts and gradually blanketing the city.

  • In The Attic
    • acrylic on canvas
    • 120 х 80
    • 2018

    The first morning rays of sun fall on the roof of the house, trickling in through the dusty window and lingering on the cat that’s been lying in wait for its warmth.

  • The Sun Creeping Behind The Mountain
    • acrylic on canvas
    • 120 х 150
    • 2022

    Nature is an excellent guide back to our true selves. What could be more enchanting than a sunset in the woods?

  • Holiday
    • acrylic on canvas
    • 140 х 100
    • 2020

    The ambiance of a winter on the outskirts of town takes one back to a happy childhood memory: the whole family gathered at the grandmother’s table to celebrate Christmas. Under the clear blue sky on a sunny day, these moments flitter before your eyes, reminding you of the carefree days when you and your pals […]

  • Winter Landscape In The Village
    • acrylic on canvas
    • 150 х 100
    • 2020

    From the overall color scheme of the picture, it is clear that the air is no longer frigid. There is almost no snow left. Spring may be just around the corner.

  • Spring View
    • acrylic on canvas
    • 125 х 170
    • 2019

    A spring evening. The air outside is already warm, but a cool breeze would not let your forget that it’s May, the spring is still young. The “golden hour” is that short time in the early evening when the sun is shining particularly tenderly, gently touching with its rays the young leaves on the apricot […]

  • The Hottest Month
    • acrylic on canvas
    • 100 х 160
    • 2016

    It’s a hot August day. The gladioli are in full bloom. Having chosen a bright color scheme, the artist conveys all the vivid, robust hues of the last month of summer, when nature blooms particularly abundantly before it starts its slow decline.

  • Snaky Way
    • acrylic on canvas
    • 150 х 130
    • 2016

    A snowy landscape, seemingly starkly broken into two parts by the road. On one side of the road is a house and a tree. On the other side, the road snakes into the distance where it disappears and dissolves from view.